Tim Spector

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Tim Spector Articles

What twins reveal about the science of faith

I am frequently asked by journalists to recall the most surprising finding of our twin studies. The study of religion

The Conversation

Keen to be healthier in old age? Tend your inner garden The world’s oldest man, Yasutaro Koide recently died at the

Scientific American

Does our microbiome control us or do we control it? A new analysis reveals how mice and perhaps humans manipulate

The Independent

Digestive disorders: Is your stomach trying to tell you something? With an alarming rise in all manner of digestive disorders,

The Conversation

The sun goes down on Vitamin D: why I changed my mind about this celebrated supplement Everyone loves D, the

The Naked Scientists

Reshaping your genetic destiny If genes aren’t the only factor in fitness, what other forces might be shaping who we

BBC Future

The Future of medicine is testing our body fluids at home Blood, sweat, tears: what do they say about you?

The Conversation

GI diets don’t work gut bacteria and dark chocolate are a better bet for losing weight The mainstays of most of